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Business listings in Lower Sackville

YP Canada maintains complete contact information for in and about the Lower Sackville, Nova-Scotia region. With the most extensive business database found in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If you live near Lower Sackville, find new user-rated products and services by your home, with .

Soup is a versatile dish with countless variations that range from light and spicy to thick and creamy broths brimming with delicious ingredients. Halifax restaurants have plenty of fantastic options for soup, including classic French and seafood soups, as well as ramen and pho, giving you a chance to sample worldwide flavours.
Charcuterie is all about savouring cured meats. Charcuterie boards have popped up on menus all over town since Ratinaud French Cuisine opened with a mixture of house-made meats to accompany its beverage list. Here are some of the best of these delectable meat samplers.
Whether it’s the Blue Jays, Raptors or Halifax Mooseheads, there are going to be times when Canadians – especially Maritimers – want to get together to watch the game, and nothing pairs better with a big-screen TV than a pint of domestic beer. Halifax doesn’t have too many sports-specific bars, but those that it does have get the job done perfectly.

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